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TransferAsset - Transfer

This action is used when you want to transfer a FungibleAssetValue that you own to another address.

import { TransferAsset, NCG, fav } from “@planetarium/lib9c”;
import { Address } from “@planetarium/account”;

const action = new TransferAsset({
  sender: Address.fromHex('0x491d9842ed8f1b5d291272cf9e7b66a7b7c90cda', true),
  recipient: Address.fromHex('0xfee0bfb15fb3fe521560cbdb308ece4457d13cfa', true),
  amount: fav(NCG, 2),

If you want to send money to the Ethereum WNCG bridge and convert it to Ethereum WNCG, create an action as follows. This is only valid on the Odin mainnet network.

import { TransferAsset, NCG, fav } from “@planetarium/lib9c”;
import { Address } from “@planetarium/account”;

const MY_ADDRESS = Address.fromHex('<YOUR ADDRESS>', true); Replace with your address.
const ETHEREUM_BRIDGE_ADDRESS = Address.fromHex('0x9093dd96c4bb6b44a9e0a522e2de49641f146223', true);
const AMOUNT = '100.0'; Replace with the amount you want to bridge.

const action = new TransferAsset({
  sender: MY_ADDRESS,
  amount: fav(NCG, AMOUNT),

TransferAssets - Multiple transfers

This action is used when you want to transfer a number of FungibleAssetValues you own to different addresses. The example below sends 2 NCG to each address.

import { TransferAsses, NCG, fav } from “@planetarium/lib9c”;
import { Address } from “@planetarium/account”;

const sender = Address.fromHex('0x2cBaDf26574756119cF705289C33710F27443767');
const agentAddresses = [
  Address.fromHex(“0xfee0bfb15fb3fe521560cbdb308ece4457d13cfa”, true),
  Address.fromHex(“0x491d9842ed8f1b5d291272cf9e7b66a7b7c90cda”, true),
const recipients = => [address, fav(NCG, 2)]);
const action = new TransferAssets({

DailyReward - Recharges Action Points

import { DailyReward } from “@planetarium/lib9c”;
import { Address } from “@planetarium/account”;

const action = new DailyReward({
  avatarAddress: Address.fromHex('0xDE3873DB166647Cc3538ef64EAA8A0cCFD51B9fE'),

Stake - Staking

This action is used when you want to proceed with monster collection (staking). Deposits an amount of NCG equal to amount. See NCIP-17 for implementation definitions.

import { Stake } from “@planetarium/lib9c”;

const action = new Stake({
  amount: 100n,

ClaimStakeReward - Claiming a Stake Reward

This action is used when you want to claim a Monster Collection (Stake) reward. The Stake action will claim the reward corresponding to the NCG you have etched. Requires an avatarAddress to receive the reward. See NCIP-17 for implementation definitions.

import { ClaimStakeReward } from “@planetarium/lib9c”;
import { Address } from “@planetarium/account”;

const action = new ClaimStakeReward({
  avatarAddress: Address.fromHex('0xDE3873DB166647Cc3538ef64EAA8A0cCFD51B9fE'),